Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are man-made chemicals used in many products and industries due to their water, heat, stains and grease resistant properties. PFAS are used in products, construction, electronics, automotive and aerospace. They can leach into ground water from contamination sites such as airports, Defence bases, fire stations, landfills, petrol stations, fuel storage and refineries, mining locations, sewage treatment plants and locations where fire-fighting training may have taken place.
PFAS molecules have a chain of linked carbon and fluorine atoms. Because the carbon-fluorine bond is one of the strongest, these chemicals do not degrade in the environment – they are known as the “forever chemicals” (National Institute of Health Sciences, USA Govt).
PFAS can be found in water supply and, as these chemicals do not break down easily, can accumulate in the environment and in our bodies over time.
Most people are likely to have PFAS retained in their bodies, right now. They’re found in most people’s blood and urine. The main concern is that they don’t break down easily and accumulate.
While there isn’t sufficient research regarding the specific impacts on our health, because there are thousands of different PFAS chemicals and they are so cumulative, there is a strong case to reduce intake of them as much as possible.
PFAS have been linked to environmental and health issues, including some cancers, but a lot remains unknown about the true scale and potential impacts of the problem – including how much is in our water supply.
Human exposure to PFAS is widespread and varies considerably by geographic location and occupation. Because PFAS molecules break down very slowly, if at all, and they are highly mobile in water, they can travel a long way from their source. PFAS get into ground water and many water sources.
Filtration is an obvious way to reduce our exposure to them, but there are very few filtration methods that filter out these molecules successfully. Reverse osmosis membrane technology is the only method available to households that remove PFAS to create safe water for drinking.
Reverse osmosis removes over 98% of contaminants, including fluoride, heavy metals and microorganisms leaving the purest water available for domestic use.
Various systems are available that enable you to add minerals back into reverse osmosis water or modify it’s pH level, depending on your taste and health interests. We have multi-disciplinary teams in commercial and domestic water treatment, ready to answer any of your questions. To take a look as some of our domestic reverse osmosis products, check out our online store.
For more information regarding PFAS or water filtration, feel free to call our team on 08 8351 7800 or contact us online.