AS 5369:2023

AS/NZ 4187 came into practice in 2014 which changed the way healthcare practices around Australia were able to clean reusable medical devices. AS5369:2023 has superceded this standard, which specifies that the water which is used for both wash and rinse cycles had to be of a certain quality. By simply having a RO plant in most cases isn’t adequate to comply to final rinse quality. There are many factors to consider and action in order to ensure the purity is of the highest standard throughout the whole process:

Making RO Water

Storing RO Water

Distributing RO Water

Since this change, we have provided advice, installed & service water treatment plants throughout Australia which comply to this standard. At Freshwater Systems, we understand the importance of high pure water being maintained in healthcare industries such as Pathology Laboratories, CSSD and Renal Dialysis and Endoscopy Departments. With over 31 years of experience, we care about the engineering of all of our filtration plants to ensure the consistent quality is of final rinse quality is met.

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